II. Responsibilities

A. OSU President

  1. The President of OSU has the ultimate responsibility for chemical hygiene throughout University laboratories, and, with assistance of other program administrators, provides ongoing support for safe use of chemicals at OSU.

B. OSU Chemical Hygiene Officer

  1. The Senior Industrial Hygienist (Environmental Health and Safety) shall serve as the OSU Chemical Hygiene Officer.
  2. This individual, or the members of their staff, shall have the responsibility and authority to:
  1. Work with administrators and other employees to develop and implement appropriate chemical hygiene policies and practices.
  2. Inspect any OSU facility and investigate any accident involving OSU employees, students or equipment.
  3. Temporarily suspend the operations in any OSU laboratory in which the practices represent an imminent health hazard.
  4. Monitor procurement of chemicals.
  5. Oversee the performance of regular, formal chemical hygiene inspections and inspections of emergency equipment in all OSU laboratories.
  6. Assist Lab Supervisors/PI and Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Officers to develop safety precautions and adequate facilities.
  7. Maintain current knowledge concerning the legal requirements of regulated substances in the laboratory.
  8. Review the OSU Chemical Hygiene Plan annually.
  9. Monitor chemical hygiene training for compliance with code-mandated items.
  10. Coordinate the chemical waste disposal program.

C.   Department Chair or Site Superintendent

  1. The Department Chair or Site Superintendent will determine the number of Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Officers needed for their unit and designate those Officers. At least one Officer will be required for each unit that has a laboratory operation involving chemicals.
  2. The names of the individuals assigned as Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Officers for their department will be sent to Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S). EH&S should also be notified of any change in these assignments.

D. Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Officer

  1. The Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Officer will be knowledgeable of the operations in the laboratory(ies) for which they are responsible.
  2. The Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Officer will perform the following:
  1. Assist the responsible Lab Supervisor/PI in the development of a Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan for individual laboratories, if needed.
  2. Inspect stored chemicals at least annually; inspect laboratory safety equipment and labeling periodically.
  3. Evaluate procedures in each lab and determine those that are hazardous.
  4. Determine adequacy of ventilation systems for new chemicals/procedures.
  5. Provide information on proper handling of highly toxic chemicals to ordering labs.
  6. Provide information on chemical hygiene, as needed.
  7. Assist in or conduct chemical hygiene inspections in labs.

E. Lab Supervisor/PI

  1. The Laboratory Supervisor or Principal Investigator is the individual who has the primary responsibility for safety in the laboratories under their control.
  2. This individual, or delegated members of their staff, shall have the responsibility to:
  1. Develop a Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan for their laboratory.
  2. Inspect their laboratories for unsafe conditions and practices and take appropriate corrective action.
  3. Provide the required safety training to the employees and students that work in their laboratories. Document the training provided.
  4. Investigate injuries to lab employees or over-exposure events.
  5. Evaluate the need for protective equipment or chemical exposure monitoring.
  6. Request appropriate monitoring from EH&S if necessary.

F. University Chemical Safety Committee

  1. The University Chemical Safety Committee members are appointed by the Vice Provost for Research. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving any changes to the OSU Chemical Hygiene Plan.
  2. The Chemical Safety Committee may also investigate and discuss reported unsafe practices conducted in any OSU laboratory. Their recommendations for correction, including disciplinary action, are to be sent to the Vice Provost for Research.