SECTION 5 - Definitions
Biological Safety Cabinet - CLASS II TYPE A - Has a minimum inflow of 75 FPM; recirculates approximately 70% of the cabinet's air flow; exhausts the remaining air into the immediate environment through a HEPA filter or to the outside through thimble unit.
Biological Safety Cabinet - CLASS II TYPE B1 - Minimum inflow of 100 fpm; exhaust cabinet air must pass through a dedicated duct to the outside through a HEPA filter and rooftop mounted exhaust fan.
Biological Safety Cabinet – CLASS II TYPE B2 - Minimum inflow of 100 fpm, no recirculation; total exhaust to outside through hard-duct and HEPA filter; rooftop mounted exhaust fan required.
Biological Safety Cabinet - CLASS II TYPE B3 - Minimum inflow of 100 fpm; plenums are under negative pressure to room; exhaust air is thimble-ducted to the outside through a HEPA filter and rooftop mounted exhaust fan.
Campus Veterinarian - An individual with a doctorate in veterinary medicine who is assigned the duties of overseeing the care and humane treatment of animals used for research testing or teaching at Oregon State University.
Chemical Carcinogen - EXTREME Hazard - Chemical carcinogens regulated under OSHA Occupational Health Regulations, used above exempt concentrations; and those chemicals, when used in research and teaching activities, that should in the opinion of the Chemical Safety Committee require the restrictions listed for this category.
Chemical Carcinogen - HIGH Hazard - Chemical carcinogens regulated under OSHA Occupational Health Regulations, used at or below exempt concentrations; and those chemicals, when used in research and teaching activities, that should in the opinion of the Chemical Safety Committee require the restrictions listed for this category.
Chemical Carcinogen - Moderate Hazard - Those chemicals, when used in research and teaching activities, that should in the opinion of the Chemical Safety Committee require the restrictions listed for this category.
Exempt Concentration - The concentration, specified in the OSHA Occupational Health Regulations, below which certain regulated carcinogens are exempt from the provisions of that law.
Isolated System - A fully enclosed structure, other than the vessel of containment of a carcinogen, which is impervious to the passage of the carcinogen and which would prevent the entry of the carcinogen into the surrounding external environment should leakage or breakage occur from the original vessel of containment (e.g., glove box).
Regulated Area - An area where entry and exit is restricted and controlled.