Authorization for Use
Designation of Person in Charge.
- A primary work area and the principal investigator or supervisor shall be identified by the department chairperson for each research project or activity in the department using Extreme carcinogens.
- The department chairperson shall designate appropriate faculty members to be responsible for courses which use Extreme carcinogens.
- Use of Extreme carcinogens is highly discouraged in course work.
Content of Protocols.
The individual in charge of a project involving the use of Extreme carcinogens shall prepare a written protocol in consultation with EH&S to include, but not be limited to, the following information:
- Name of principal investigator and/or project supervisor. First time applicants attach C.V.
- Names of all other laboratory personnel associated with the project.
- Names, amounts, and concentrations of chemical carcinogens involved.
- Description of experimental procedures, including:
- Overall nature of the study.
- Concentrations and amounts of stock and working solutions, and methods for routine decontamination and disposal.
- Techniques and equipment to assure containment.
- Emergency procedures including deactivation and/or decontamination.
- Personal protective measures to be employed and/or equipment to be used.
- Description of physical facilities where proposed study will be done.
Review and Approval of Protocols.
- Departmental Review:
- In addition to the protocol, the principal investigator must complete an Application/Registration for Use of Chemical Carcinogens (Appendix 1).
- If animals are to be used in the experiment, a Chemical Agent Use in Animals form must be completed.
- The completed forms and protocol must be reviewed and approved by the department chairperson.
- The completed forms and the approved protocol will be forwarded through EH&S to the Chemical Safety Committee.
- Chemical Safety Committee Review:
- After departmental approval, the completed forms and the accompanying protocols will be reviewed by the Chemical Safety Committee in consultation with EH&S, the consulting physician, and if animals are to be used, by the campus veterinarian.
- Final approval by the Chemical Safety Committee must precede initiation of proposed projects or laboratory teaching exercises.
- EH&S Review:
- Following approval by the Chemical Safety Committee, the submitted forms and accompanying protocols will be placed on file in the EH&S office.
Notification To Add or Delete Personnel.
- When the program of a research or teaching laboratory using Extreme carcinogens requires the addition or deletion of personnel in the approved project, EH&S shall be notified immediately.
Amendments To Approved Protocols.
- When the program of a research or teaching laboratory using Extreme carcinogens requires the addition of other Extreme carcinogens, or significant amendments are made to an approved protocol, the individual in charge shall obtain the department chairperson's approval to make whatever modifications in the protocol are required.
- Amended protocols must then be forwarded through EH&S to the Chemical Safety Committee for review.
Duration of Authorization.
- Initial Period of Authorization: Authorization for the use of Extreme carcinogens by the Chemical Safety Committee are approved for three years. Substantive changes in use or procedures will require re-authorization
- Period of Review of Authorization: All authorizations will be updated by the investigator and reviewed by the Chemical Safety Committee at 3-year intervals to assure that protocols, procedures and usage comply with the initial authorization.
Physical Facilities
Isolated Systems
- Physical facilities for use of Extreme carcinogens shall be capable of providing either an isolated system or a totally controlled access facility with an independent ventilation system. For most uses, the most practical alternative is a glove box with an appropriately treated exhaust system approved by EH&S.
- Laboratory must be under negative pressure with respect to general access areas such as hallways and offices.
- The following criteria are required of all laboratories in which Extreme carcinogens are used or stored:
- Isolated systems must be provided with an approved exhaust treatment system.
- Isolated systems and approved storage cabinets must be labeled "Caution - Select Carcinogen."
Working Outside Isolated Systems.
If the procedures involved in the use of Extreme carcinogens cannot be contained in an approved isolated system, the following features must be provided in the laboratory:
- Laboratory must be under negative pressure with respect to general access areas such as hallways and offices.
- Entrances must be posted with "Cancer Suspect Agent."
- Vacuum lines must be appropriately protected to prevent entry of the carcinogens used into the lines.
- Prior to commencing work with chemical carcinogens, the laboratory ventilation system must be approved by EH&S.
- Laboratory work surfaces shall be protected from contamination by the use of disposable, absorbent paper with moisture-proof backing.
- Authorized entry into the laboratory must be regulated by a system approved by the Chemical Safety Committee.
- The laboratory shall be equipped with an approved air exhaust system that is independently ducted, under negative pressure in interior spaces, and does not recirculate air.
- General room exhausts, glove boxes, laboratory hoods, or biological safety cabinets shall be equipped with approved exhaust treatment systems. (The appropriate exhaust for any carcinogen is dependent upon the nature of the compound and will be determined in the protocol phase of the experiment. Recommended equipment for treatment includes, but is not limited to, HEPA filters, activated charcoal filters, exhaust incinerators, and/or chemical scrubbers.)
- Provision shall be made for shower facilities and the management of protective clothing in the regulated area.
- The regulated area must contain a roster of persons who enter the facility.
Animal Care Facilities.
- When Extreme carcinogens are used in animal care facilities, shower facilities must be provided for employees in addition to the requirements provided in "Laboratory Use of Extreme carcinogens Outside Isolated Systems".
Storage and Labeling
Labeling of Containers.
- All reagent bottles, stock, and working solutions shall be labeled "Caution - Select Carcingen"
- Working solutions of carcinogens shall be stored in sealed, primary containers, placed in unbreakable secondary containers, and stored in an approved, labeled storage area. The secondary container shall be sealed.
- Stock quantities of Extreme carcinogens shall be stored in a tightly sealed primary container and placed inside an unbreakable, sealed impervious outer container.
- The doubly contained material shall be stored in an approved labeled storage area that is secured at all times.
- A complete, current inventory of each Extreme chemical carcinogen shall be maintained in the secured storage area. The inventory record shall include:
- The quantity of chemical carcinogen originally acquired.
- The name of the authorized individual removing the material, the date, and amount removed.
- The date and final disposition of the remaining material.
- Inventory records shall be kept up to date in the university's on-line inventory program.
Transportation of Extreme Hazard Carcinogens
Transport On Campus.
- Primary containers shall be protectively packaged and placed in sealed, unbreakable, impervious outer containers.
Transport Off Campus.
- Packaging and shipping methods shall meet the regulations of the Department of Transportation and other state and federal regulations for transporting hazardous chemicals. Assistance in complying with these regulations is available from EH&S.
Transport Within Laboratories
- Extreme carcinogens shall be transported in sealed, unbreakable, impervious secondary containers.
Vacuum Line Protection
- HEPA filters or other approved devices must be used to prevent entry of carcinogenic chemicals into the vacuum system is required.
- Vacuum line protective systems shall be approved by EH&S prior to use.
- When using a volatile carcinogen, a separate vacuum pump or other device vented to an approved laboratory hood shall be used.
- General housekeeping procedures which will suppress the formation of aerosols shall be used, e.g. the use of wet mop or a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter to remove particulates.
- Dry sweeping and dry mopping are prohibited because of the hazard of aerosol formation.
- When chemical carcinogen or contaminated material is spilled, special procedures developed for the individual compounds shall be followed. Emergency procedures shall be posted.
Personal Protection
Extreme carcinogens NOT used in an Isolated System
- Upon completion of work with Extreme carcinogens, employees shall be required to wash hands, forearms, and exposed areas before exiting a regulated area.
Extreme carcinogens used in Animal Care Facilities.
- Upon completion of work involving animals, employees shall be required to shower, including washing the hair, after the last exit of the day.
Protective Clothing
All standard laboratory safety practices, such as the wearing of eye protection, shall be observed in addition to the following:
- When working with Extreme chemicals, employees must wear a laboratory coat, protective gloves, and shoes which cover the entire foot.
- When working inside regulated Extreme carcinogen areas, employees shall be required to wear clean, protective laboratory clothing such as a surgical gown, surgical scrub suit, or fully buttoned laboratory coat and head cover, protective shoe covers, and gloves.
- Prior to each exit from the regulated area, employees shall be required to remove and leave protective clothing at the point of exit.
- At regular intervals or when overtly contaminated, used protective clothing shall be placed in impervious containers for the purpose of decontamination or disposal. The impervious container shall be labeled "Cancer Suspect Agent."
- Required protective clothing for employees working with animals not contained in a glove box and using Extreme carcinogens shall include coveralls, protective shoe covers, head covers, gloves, and respirators approved by EH&S.
- Personnel involved in maintenance or decontamination of facilities in which Extreme carcinogens are used shall be required to wear clean protective garments, including gloves, protective shoe covers, head covers, and when required, respirators.
Certification Of Laboratory Hoods And Isolated Systems.
- All ventilation apparatus such as hoods and glove boxes used for working with Extreme carcinogens shall be tested and approved for such use at least annually by EH&S. Immediately after modification or maintenance, the apparatus shall be reinspected.
Medical Surveillance
Preassignment Examinations.
- An appropriate preassignment medical examination is required and shall be provided for each individual planning to work with Extreme carcinogens.
- The purpose of this preassignment examination is to establish a baseline value against which changes in health can be measured.
- A determination will be made whether there are any medical conditions that may lead to increased risk at work.
- The examination shall include the personal history of the employee, family and occupational background, including genetic and environmental factors.
Periodic Examinations.
- Periodic medical examinations may be required at intervals as determined by the consulting physician for all employees and students working with Extreme carcinogens.
- Evidence of accidental exposure is a clear signal for a medical examination.
- At termination of employment, a medical examination shall be provided.
- In all physical examinations, the examining physician shall consider whether there exist conditions of increased risk, including reduced immunological competence, those undergoing treatment with steroids or cytotoxic agents, pregnancy, and cigarette smoking.
- Complete and accurate records shall be maintained for all required medical evaluations.
- Such records shall be maintained for the duration of the employee's or student's work with Extreme carcinogens.
- Upon termination of the employee's services, including retirement or death, the records of evaluations (or copies thereof) shall be forwarded to Oregon OSHA. Student records will be maintained for 30 years in the OSU Archives.
- These records include dates of examinations, name of physician, and general statements; they DO NOT include diagnoses, specific lab tests, findings, etc.
Physician requirements
- Departments will request that any physician conducting a carcinogen-related medical examination will furnish to the employer a statement of the employee’s suitability for employment in the specific exposure.
Inspections Required
All projects using Extreme carcinogens are subject to periodic inspections (announced or unannounced) by EH&S or the Chemical Safety Committee in order to insure safe conditions and procedures. EH&S or the Chemical Safety Committee may also inspect any project where potentially carcinogenic chemicals are being used.Inspections of projects using Extreme carcinogens will include, in part:
- A review of the physical facilities to see if enclosures and other safety equipment are functioning correctly.
- Determination that materials required to cope with accidents are readily available and emergency procedures are displayed.
- Determination that all personnel involved in the project are familiar with appropriate normal and emergency procedures and are aware of the potential hazards of the work of their own group as well as those of any other group with whom the facilities are shared.
- Determination that appropriate procedures for biological, physical, and chemical containment are consistent with approved protocols.
- Review of the roster maintained at regulated areas where the Extreme carcinogens are used. (See Laboratory Use of Extreme carcinogens Outside Isolated Systems, this section).
- Review of the inventory of Extreme carcinogens.
The results of inspections will be brought to the immediate attention of the principal investigator, the department chairperson, and reported to the chairperson of the Chemical Safety Committee. Inspection reports will be retained as part of the permanent files of EH&S.
Posting of Emergency Procedures
Approved specific emergency procedures shall be prescribed and posted in areas using Extreme carcinogens. The posted information shall include, but not be limited to:
- Name and phone number of principal investigator, department chairperson, EH&S, and Campus Police and Security.
- Decontamination procedure.
- Location of closest shower facility.