SECTION 4 - High Hazard Carcinogens
Registration for Use
Designation Of Person in Charge.
- The department chair shall identify a primary work area and a principal investigator or supervisor for each research project or activity in the department using HIGH carcinogens.
- The department chair shall designate one faculty member to be responsible for any course that uses HIGH hazard carcinogens.
Completion Of Registration Form.
- Prior to use of HIGH hazard carcinogens, the designated person in charge must complete a Application/Registration for Use of Chemical Carcinogens form (Appendix 1).
- This form requires a demonstrated knowledge of appropriate deactivation and disposal procedures.
- If HIGH hazard carcinogens are used in whole animal experimentation, the Chemical Agent Use in Animals form must also be completed.
Departmental Approval.
- Completed forms will be reviewed and approved by the department chairperson and forwarded to EH&S.
Changes in Use
- All changes in locations, personnel in charge, and types of HIGH hazard carcinogens used are to be reported to EH&S.
Duration of Registration.
- Registrations must be updated every three years.
Physical Facilities
HIGH hazard carcinogens may be used in standard chemical laboratories or approved animal care facilities with the following restrictions:
- All entrances shall be posted with "Cancer Suspect Agent" signs.
- Laboratory or other research area must be under negative pressure with respect to general access areas such as hallways and offices.
- All normal laboratory procedures shall be done in an approved chemical fume hood system with average face velocity of at least 100 feet per minute, or other local exhaust equipment, or by use of other methods that will effectively minimize the chance for personnel exposure to chemical carcinogens. Use of ductless filtered devices for protection from volatile chemicals is not permitted.
- Vacuum lines are to be protected to prevent entry of the chemicals used into the system.
- Prior to conducting work with registered carcinogens, the laboratory's ventilation system must be certified by EH&S as having an adequate number of air changes per hour under negative pressure.
- Laboratory work surfaces shall be protected from contamination by the use of disposable, absorbent paper lined with plastic, or other equivalent impervious materials.
Storage and Labeling
Labeling of Containers.
All reagent bottles, stock, and working solutions shall be labeled "Cancer Suspect Agent."
- Working solutions of carcinogens shall be stored in sealed, primary containers, placed in unbreakable secondary containers, and stored in an approved, labeled storage area.
- Stock quantities of HIGH hazard carcinogens shall be stored in a tightly sealed primary container and placed inside an unbreakable, sealed impervious outer container.
- The doubly-contained material shall be stored in an approved labeled storage area that is secured at all times.
Transportation of HIGH Hazard Carcinogens
Transport On Campus.
- Primary containers shall be protectively packaged and placed in sealed, unbreakable, impervious outer containers.
Transport Off Campus.
- Packaging and shipping methods shall meet the regulations of the Department of Transportation and other state and federal regulations for transporting hazardous chemicals.
Personal Protection
All standard laboratory safety practices, such as the wearing of eye protection, shall be observed in addition to the following:
Protective Clothing:
- When working with HIGH carcinogens, employees must wear a laboratory coat, protective gloves, apprpriate safety eyeware, and shoes that cover the entire foot.
Certification of Laboratory Hoods and Isolated Systems.
- All ventilation apparatus such as hoods and glove boxes used for working with HIGH hazard carcinogens shall be tested and approved for such use at least annually by EH&S.
- Immediately after modification or maintenance, the apparatus shall be re-inspected.
Inspections Required
- All projects using HIGH carcinogens are subject to periodic inspections (announced or unannounced) by EH&S or the Chemical Safety Committee in order to insure safe conditions and procedures. EH&S or the Chemical Safety Committee may also inspect any project where potentially carcinogenic chemicals are being used.
- The inspection of projects using HIGH carcinogens will include, in part:
- An interview with the laboratory personnel to establish whether the proper safety procedures are followed.
- Certification that enclosures and other safety equipment are functioning.
- The results of inspections will be brought to the immediate attention of the principal investigator, the department chairperson, and reported to the chairperson of the Chemical Safety Committee.
- Inspection reports will be retained as part of the permanent files of EH&S.
Posting of Emergency Procedures
Approved specific emergency procedures shall be prescribed and posted in areas using HIGH hazard carcinogens. The posted information shall include, but not be limited to:
- Name and phone number of principal investigator, department chairperson, EH&S, and Campus Police and Security.
- Decontamination procedure.
- Location of closest shower facility.