Chemical Inventory Program

The Chemical Inventory Program is a web based system that facilitates the collection and storage of information related to chemical types and amounts within campus laboratories and facilities.


Chemical Inventory Program

(Requires ONID authentication)

Inventory Entry Directions
Chemical Inventory Guidelines

Annual Chemical Inventory Review Acknowledgement Instructions

First Time Users

You must set up access to the PI Web Interface for chemical inventory and lab assessment reports.

  • For initial access, contact OSU's Chemical Safety Officer by email.
  • Minimum information needed:
    • Name of chemical owner (PI or other responsible individual/program)
    • Employee ID number
    • ONID username
    • Location(s) of chemicals
  • For other employees that need entry access on your behalf: provide same information as above.

Chemical Reuse Program

  • To view available items:
    • Login to the on-line inventory program
    • Choose "Used Chemical Exchange" radio button at the top of the inventory view screen
    • Choose "All Items" radio button on the left side of the screen
    • For more information about the program including usage instructions see the Chemical Reuse Program safety instruction.