Chemical Labeling Station

According to OSHA and OSU regulations all chemical containers must be labeled for the health and safety of employees, students, visitors, and emergency responders. The purpose of the Chemical Labeling Station is to provide laboratories with the necessary means and tools to properly label all chemicals and hazardous waste. The poster provides:

  • Chemical Waste Guidelines - Instructions on how to categorize, store and dispose of hazardous waste, in addition to information on chemical spills, container labeling, and sharps disposal. 
  • Hazardous Waste Labels - All hazardous waste must have an EH&S waste label attached and completely filled out with contact information, constituents with percentages, and hazard classification.
  • Chemical Abbreviation List - A list of abbreviations and common acid/base formulas . The list must be made readily available in laboratories that use abbreviations to label containers, and should be modified to suit the existing chemical inventory in the laboratory.
  • Chemical Inventory & Waste Codes – A personalized printout of the Principle Investigators chemical inventory and their associated waste codes to assist with the categorization and labeling of hazardous waste. [To access and print out a personalized copy of the form, click on the link above and login to EHS Assistant. Under the Inventory tab click on ‘Chemical Inventory System,’ and go to the ‘Chemical Inventory Reports’ pull-down menu. Select “EPA-DEQ Waste Codes for PI Inv” to download a copy of the report. Personalized “Flash Pt for Waste Determination OSU” reports are also available under the same pull-down menu.]
  • Reaction Posting - A reusable notice that must be posted on or near any reaction(s) left unattended in a laboratory.
  • Lab Notebook Nomenclature - If nomenclatures are used to label samples and/or containers make sure to identify the notebook or file that summarizes the naming system.

Please contact EH&S at [email protected] or 7-2273 to request a labeling station in your lab.