1.1. University Policy Concerning Ionizing Radiation
1.1.1. The President of Oregon State University, recognizing the usefulness of ionizing radiation in the teaching and research missions of the University, directs that possession and use of radioisotopes and radiation-emitting machines be optimized at OSU facilities and by OSU personnel. This shall be accomplished while ensuring that: applicable laws and regulations of federal, state, and local agencies are not violated; no risk from ionizing radiation shall be incurred except where justified by benefits from the activity; radiation exposure shall be maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable, all aspects considered.
1.1.2. The President has delegated to the Vice President for Finance and Administration the responsibility for maintaining a radiation safety program adequate to ensure compliance with this policy.
1.2. Scope of the Radiation Safety Program
The University Radiation Safety Program applies to all locations under University control wherein radioisotopes or radiation-producing machines are used or stored, regardless of ownership or the location. It applies to all persons working at or frequenting these locations, regardless of their relationship with the University. It applies to all radioisotopes and radiation-producing machines at these locations, regardless of ownership of the radioisotopes or machines. It applies to a limited extent to University personnel and equipment at non-University-controlled locations.
1.3. Scope of the Radiation Safety Manual
1.3.1. The University Radiation Safety Manual sets forth, either directly or by reference, the policies, regulations, standards and administrative procedures applying to the radiation safety program. Implementing procedures are issued separately either as Radiation Safety Office Procedures (RSOPs), Lab Procedures (LPs), or other documents.
1.3.2. The manual and all changes thereto will be issued by the Radiation Safety Committee after approval by the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Copies of the manual and of applicable state and federal regulations are available in the Radiation Safety Office.