Training for non-radioisotope users

Federal, State of Oregon, and OSU regulations require that individuals who frequent areas where sources of radiation are used or stored must receive training. There are two programs for training non-radioisotope users who frequent areas authorized for use and storage of ionizing radiation:

Training for Non-Radiation Workers: This program is intended for personnel working in labs authorized for unsealed radioisotopes, but who will not be completing the full orientation for isotope users. It is the responsibility of the Program Director to identify individuals and provide appropriate training. This training is conducted by the Program Director or the designated Lab Contact, and records of their training are kept by lab personnel. These records are not forwarded to Radiation Safety. Examples of non-radiation workers who would require training are lab workers, student workers, personnel from other labs who use equipment or facilities in your lab, etc.

Instructions and Training Acknowledgment Form for Non Radiation Workers (pdf).

Ancillary Training: Individuals who frequent an area where radioisotopes or radiation machines are used but do not routinely work in the area may satisfy the training requirement by completing the Radiation Safety for Ancillary Personnel course. The course is offered twice each year by Radiation Safety. Departments are notified prior to the course. This course is intended for personnel who have a need to enter restricted areas (radioactive material labs, x-ray installations) but do not spend a significant amount of time in any one location. Examples include Facilities Services, Security, and Departmental office personnel, storekeepers, etc.


Completion of a non-radioisotope user training program DOES NOT authorize a person to work with radioactive material. Before beginning work with unsealed isotopes or x-ray machines they must complete the appropriate training , e.g. the Radioisotope User Orientation, Analytical/Cabinet X-Ray Orientation, Gauge Orientation, etc...

Radioisotope User Orientation is also required for:

  • personnel conducting lab contamination surveys
  • personnel performing the first wash on contaminated lab equipment (the first wash is considered radioactive waste, and radioactive waste may only be handled by personnel authorized to work with unsealed radioisotopes. The second and subsequent washes on contaminated equipment can be drain disposed, and so can be considered "non-contaminated" for training purposes).

A user who is authorized to work with radioisotope does not need to complete a training program for non-radioisotope users.