3. Biological Concepts Needed


3.1 Hazards from Low-level Radiation

Hazards to humans from lower levels of ionizing radiation are discussed in US NRC Regulatory Guide 8.13 (effects of prenatal exposure) and US NRC Reg. Guide 8.29 (risks from occupational exposure).

3.2 Hazards from High-level Radiation

The lurid consequences of radiation exposure, such as diarrhea, vomiting, loss of hair, death, etc., occur only with short-term doses of hundreds of rem to an individual. With the exception of a few sources of radiation in the Radiation Center there are no radioisotope sources at OSU capable of accidentally exposing a human to doses of this magnitude. Radiation Center personnel exercise strict control of all such sources of theirs. Should an individual want detailed information concerning effects on humans of large doses to the whole body or part of a body, please contact the Radiation Safety Office or the Radiation Center's Senior Health Physicist, both of which maintain several reference books.