The Training Needs Tool (TNT) can help OSU supervisors and employees self-identify job roles and corresponding safety training.

**Instructions**: Check the box below for each job role or activity that applies to you. When you are finished, *scroll down to see the required training* topics based on your selection(s).


 Field Work  Laboratory [?]  Office [?]
 Shop [?]  Supervisor [?]  Custodial/Maintenance


Do you work in or around any of these areas?
 Animals [?]  Asbestos [?]  Confined Spaces [?]
 Construction  Dust  Elevated Surfaces [?]
 High heat/humidity [?]  High Noise Levels [?]  Hot Metal Work [?]
 Mechanical Spaces [?]  Painting [?]  Water [?]


Do you work with or come into contact with any of the following:
 Bacteria, Viruses, or Biohazardous Agents [?]  Bloodborne Pathogens [?]  Blood or Body Fluids [?]
 Carcinogens [?]  Chemicals  Controlled Substances [?]
 Cryogenic Gases [?]  Food  Nanomaterials
 Pesticides  Radioactive Materials [?]  Recombinant DNA [?]
 Sharps [?]


 AED  Autoclave   Centrifuge
 Cranes, hoists, or lift equipment  Compressed Gas Cylinders  Drying Ovens  
 Eyewash/Safety Shower  Fire Extinguisher  Forklift
 Fume Hood, Biosafety Cabinet, or Glove Box  Lasers  Off-road Motorized Equipment
 Respirator Shop Equipment  Tractor or Implements
12-passenger van  Welding Equipment  X-Ray Machine


Required Minimum Training

The suggested training topics listed comprise the required minimum training based on the job roles and activities checked above. The supervisor is responsible to ensure their employees receive adequate training according to the specific job tasks being performed.


  • The supervisor may need to augment the topics listed with other training materials of their own and/or unique to their work.
  • Both initial and refresher training is required for each employee. Refresher training is at least every 3 years unless otherwise noted.
  • The supervisor must ensure that all training is documented in writing. Use the acknowledgement form for this purpose.
  • EPA Required Training for Hazardous Waste Determinations


If you have any questions regarding the Training Identification Assessment or other training needs, please contact Environmental Health & Safety.