Environmental protection is a highly regulated field and an important goal of Oregon State University. EH&S’s Environmental Protection Program strives to promote environmental stewardship, ensure compliance, and raise awareness. EH&S takes a systematic approach to evaluate, monitor, and control environmental releases related to air, water, waste, and soil by complying with local, state, and federal regulations.

Environmental Compliance Programs

Additional Resources

  • Environmental Property (Site) Assessments

  • Drain Disposal Information and Restrictions

  • Water Discharge and Disposal (Wash Downs, Pump Outs, and Vault Discharges)

  • Above Ground and Underground Fuel Storage

  • Outdoor Air Quality and Pollution


Report an environmental issue or concern

To report an accidental or intentional release of petroleum (leaking automobile, petroleum storage tank, etc.) or other chemical to the outdoor environment, please note the location, date, time, and any other relevant information.  Send an email describing the event to [email protected] or call 541-737-2273.


Obtain a Permit

OSU EH&S can help facilitate the application process for a variety of environmental permits related to land, air, and water quality.  For more information or assistance, please send an email to [email protected].

Additional info can be found at the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.


Dispose of petroleum contaminated soil

Because of the longevity of operations and historical work practices at OSU, petroleum contaminated soil is sometimes discovered at construction sites.  If you uncover petroleum contaminated soil, please stop work immediately and contact EH&S at [email protected] or call 541-737-2273.