NEW!! - Updated Wastewater and SARS-CoV-2 Research at OSU (Dec 2023)
The use of biological hazards in an unsafe manner has the potential to result in accidental exposures to university personnel, liability and public relation issues for the university, and in some cases community outbreaks of disease. In recognition of the necessity for conducting research utilizing potentially hazardous biological materials in a safe and secure manner, the OSU Institutional Biosafety Committee reviews biohazardous work conducted for any purpose by OSU personnel or in any OSU facility. The Institutional Biosafety Committee has full authority to impose containment requirements or procedural safeguards, audit programs, and inspect facilities to ensure that biohazards are handled, used, and disposed of in a safe and compliant manner.
The OSU Institutional Biosafety Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:30 PM. Persons wishing to attend a meeting of the IBC are asked to contact the IBC Administrator at 541-737-4557 for directions. If you need special accommodations, please let the IBC Administrator know.
IBC Policy and Procedure Manual
IBC Members / Contact Information
Research Activities Requiring IBC Registration and Oversight
Registration Instructions and Forms
Resources for IBC Applicants - a source for templates to assist your application process.
Training for Researchers using recombinant DNA
Training in the NIH Guidelines is required for all investigators and laboratory staff who conduct recombinant DNA research. Please review the information in the link below.
Training in NIH and IBC Requirements for Principal Investigators and Laboratorians
After you have reviewed the information, if you have any questions or need further information about the IBC requirements or NIH Guidelines, please contact the IBC Administrator at 541-737-4557. When you are satisfied that you understand the content, please complete an acknowledgement of training.