Fire Protection System Outage Procedure


To provide guidance for appropriate action and to minimize the risks involved with the impairment of fire protection systems.

Fire protection systems (FPS) include the following:
•    Fire sprinkler systems
•    Fire alarm systems
•    Dry chemical and clean agent systems
•    Kitchen & Laboratory exhaust/fume hood extinguishing systems


Any OSU employee or private contractor who impairs a fire protection system, or notices a fire protection system has failed unexpectedly, must notify the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center (WCC) (7-2969) or OSU Project Manager during working hours or the Department of Public Safety (7-3010) during non-working hours, with the following information:

•    Reporting person’s name
•    Building (with FPS outage)
•    Room number (with FPS outage)
•    Type of equipment impaired
•    Reason for impairment
•    Planned date/time to be impaired; and
•    Planned date/time to be restored

The WCC or Department of Public Safety (DPS) will create a work order and immediately contact the Facilities Services Alarm Shop 7-2969 and the EH&S Fire/Life Safety Department x 7-3066 to coordinate the impairment/outage


This procedure outlines specific measures to manage fire protection system impairments.  

Before Fire Protection System Impairment or Outage:
1.    Obtain approval from the EH&S Fire/Life Safety representative.
2.    Limit the impairment by shutting only the valve(s) or components necessary to complete the work and keep the expected duration of the impairment to the shortest time possible.
3.    Ensure all equipment, materials, and personnel are available and ready before impairing the fire protection system.
4.    Plan for temporary fire protection, such as extra extinguishers as necessary.
5.    Cease any hazardous processes, especially any process that can create an elevated fire risk, in the affected areas.
6.    The Fire/Life Safety staff will review the notice from WCC to authorize the impairment.
7.    The Facilities Services Alarm shop will review the impairment notice and work with the Fire/Life Safety staff as necessary.
8.    Contact Risk Management to determine if OSU’s insurance provider needs to be notified.  
9.    Coordinate the impairment/outage with the Corvallis Fire Department when appropriate.
10.    If an impairment notice has not already been issued by the WCC (i.e. for unplanned outages), the Fire/Life Safety staff, Facilities Services Alarm shop, or other personnel knowledgeable of the condition must notify the WCC or DPS.  The WCC or DPS will create a notice of the system outage.
During Fire Protection System Impairment:
1.    Any interruption in fire protection systems may require an approved fire watch and may require evacuation of the building per approval by the Fire/Life Safety staff or the Corvallis Fire Department.
a.    A fire watch, as defined by the Oregon Fire Code (Section 901.7; 2019 ed.) shall be instituted if deemed necessary by the EH&S Fire/Life Safety staff (or the Corvallis Fire Department).  This link will take you to the required form and log that shall be printed, posted and completed during fire watch:—-appendices#OFC2019P1_Pt07_AppxT_SecT103.3
2.    Continue to refrain from any hazardous processes in the surrounding area.

After Fire Protection System Impairment:
1.    Restore the fire protection system to automatic service as soon as possible.
2.    Ensure all necessary inspections/tests are completed.
3.    Lock sprinkler control valves in the wide-open position (unless electronically supervised).
4.    Reset the alarm system.
5.    The employee or contractor who impaired a fire protection system must notify the WCC (7-2969) when the work is completed.  The WCC will coordinate with the Fire & Life Safety representative and Facilities Services Alarm shop that the system is back online.  In the event this was unplanned, the Fire & Life Safety representative or Facilities Services Alarm shop shall notify the WCC that the fire protection system is back online, when appropriate.


If a fire protection system fails unexpectedly, follow the “RESPONSIBILITIES” section in this document and immediately contact the WCC (7-2969).  With approval from the Fire/Life Safety staff, continue through the “PROCEDURE” section of this document.

•    2019 Oregon Fire Code, Section 901.7
•    2019 Oregon Fire Code, Appendix T