Oregon State University requires that all work occurring in an OSU laboratory be conducted in a safety and healthful manner. Members of OSU’s Environmental Health & Safety team are responsible for monitoring compliance and assisting employees in understanding safety regulations. Safety protocols, best practices, and guidance documents provide assistance for the protection of employees and visitors at OSU from potential health hazards associated with laboratories.

Required training

Required For:



Laboratory Safety

Required for all lab employees

Every 3 years

On-line training

Lab Hazard Awareness Training for Non-lab Personnel Required for all employees who are not lab employees but may need to enter a lab in the course of their work Every 3 years On-line training


Working in a research laboratory comes with recognized hazards. All PIs and supervisors have a responsibility to identify and control hazards, however it is the responsibility of all lab members to conduct research in a safe and healthful manner. Engineering controls, such as conducting research in a fume hood or glove box should be utilized to mitigate risk. All lab members must be properly trained on the hazards they may encounter during their work in the lab. Standard operating procedures should be utilized. Proper personal protective equipment should be always worn. Employees should be prepared for emergencies such as a spill, fire, or other emergency. Safe research requires an advanced planning and an understanding of what the risks are for each activity in order to mitigate risks.

Please review the following web pages to determine if they pertain to your research.

Chemical Safety

The Chemical Safety Committee (CSC) provides oversight of projects using chemical carcinogens and highly toxic materials.

Biological Safety

Work with human, animal, or plant pathogens, human source materials, recombinant and/or synthetic nucleic acids, select agents or toxins, and shipping infectious agents or toxins all require oversight and approval by the OSU Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).

Animal Handler Safety

OSU has Policies and Procedures for persons with exposure to animals or their secretions or tissues that includes hazard awareness training and medical monitoring.

Radiation Safety

All uses of ionizing radiation must be specifically authorized by the Radiation Safety Committee, prior to use or purchase of equipment.

Laser Safety

Registration is required for Class 3B and 4 lasers. Laser Safety Training is required for Class 3B, 3R, and 4 laser users and recommended for all laser users.

Request a temporary account in SciShield so a visiting researcher/volunteer/non-OSU person can access training.