Waste Storage and Disposal


THE STORAGE of hazardous materials must be in compliance with federal and state regulations. Your methods of handling waste are subject to unannounced inspections by state regulatory inspectors.

  • All containers need to have a label at all time indicating contents. For waste materials, this could be a simple label such as "WASTE SOLVENT" or "USED ACETONE".
  • Put the label on thecontainer BEFORE ADDING WASTE.
  • All containers need a lid at all times when not actively adding or removing waste. Evaporation in a hood is not a legal disposal method. Funnels do not count as lids.
  • Secondary containment is advised for liquid containers.
  • Storage limits and locations are the same for waste as for new materials. For example, storage of flammable liquids in excess of 10 gallons requires a flammable liquid storage cabinet. Glass bottles may not be stored on the floor because they can easily be broken by accidental kicking.


CONTACT Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S, 7-2273) for the disposal of:

  • aerosol cans
  • asbestos
  • batteries
  • biohazards and sharps
  • chemical waste
  • pump oil
  • paint (unused or partially used)
  • radioactive waste
  • radioactive fire alarms
  • all other nuclear (not unclear) material

CONTACT Property Administration (7-3102) for the disposal of

  • empty rinsed recyclable glass