ALARA Action Levels


As Low As Reasonable Achievable (ALARA)

In addition to maintaining radiation dose below the limits set forth by regulatory dose limits, work with sources of ionizing radiation shall be planned and conducted to keep doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

The table below outlines the actions and action levels for OSU's ALARA program.

Monitoring Type Action Level Action
Deep Dose Equivalent
>0 mrem report to individual and
Program Director (PD)
50 mrem cumulative ADRI*
Shallow Dose Equivalent
(skin or extremity)
>0 mrem report to individual and PD
500 mrem cumulative ADRI
Lens Dose Equivalent
>0 mrem
report to individual and PD
150 mrem
Thyroid All Thyroid Scans report to individual and
Program Director
500 mrem CDE

RS investigates

Urinalysis all urine bioassays report to individual and PD
50 mrem CEDE cumulative RS investigates

Unrestricted Area,
direct exposure
adjusted for occupancy

50 mrem cumulative RS investigates
100 mrem cumulative

modify facility and/or

Unrestricted area, effluents 10% of concentration limit RS investigates
1mrem TEDE to general public RS investigates
Minors (under age 18) >0 report to individual and PD
10% of adult occupational 
action levels
Fetal monitoring 5 mrem cumulative ADRI

*ADRI = Abnormal Dosimeter Reading Investigation. This is an investigation conducted by Radiation Safety to attempt to reduce exposure to zero if possible.