How do I...?
- Get certified to operate an x-ray machine (radiology, fluoro, CT)
- File the following two endorsements with Radiation Safety:
- register your training certification (link below),
- complete machine-specific training for each x-ray machine you intend to use. Contact Radiology staff to schedule the machine-specific training.
- Additional training requirements for fluoroscopy and CT operators
- File the following two endorsements with Radiation Safety:
- Link for registering with OSU Radiation Safety Use this link to document:
- Your x-ray operator certification (DVM, CVT, RT...), or
- you will be assisting with x-ray procedures, e.g. for holding patients, but will not be operating x-ray machines
- File a declaration of Pregnancy , this page includes additional information for pregnant workers in radiation use areas
- Get radiation dosimeters- contact Radiology for questions regarding dosimeters. Radiation dosimeters and lead PPE are required for all personnel working with and around operating x-ray machines.
Other information
- Best Practices in veterinary radiology
- Personnel in radiology
- Holding patients during exposure
- Radiation dosimeters
- Includes procedures for sterilizing ring dosimeters
- For authorized x-ray machine trainers: online form for recording machine-specific training
- Inspection requirements for lead PPE
- Dental x-ray use